Do Your Dailies Tracker
Are you one of the millions of people who are taking on a health or fitness goal in the new year? Use our FREE do your dailies tracker to help keep you on track.
I bet there's a good chance you've heard "success is a habit," but what habits lead to success? We put together a very simple, FREE, tool for you to track the daily activities that will build your successes. The free Google Sheet we put together serves as a way to quantify and track your habits and see - in real time - how well you're doing in doing the things you believe will lead to your successes.
I'll be tracking my own habits and sharing them on the Move Weight Instagram -feel free to follow along!
Are you one of the millions of people who are taking on a health or fitness goal in the new year? Use our FREE do your dailies tracker to help keep you on track.
Side Note: This works for ANY goal. Once you understand what you have to do repeatedly (your inputs) to achieve your goal you can track those activities and stay on track with them! I've used this same framework professionally as well!
When you click the link below it will take you to a google sheet. Simple click FILE -> DOWNLOAD or FILE -> Make a Copy to create your checklist and make the tasks your own!
Do Your Dailies Tracker
Still a little confused? Check out the Instructional LOOM video here. In this video, I walk you through how to effectively track your daily goals using a simple system. You'll want to choose five activities to focus on, like steps or push-ups, and track your progress weekly and monthly. I recommend aiming for at least 80% compliance to see real progress. Please make sure to adapt the sheet for each month as your goals evolve throughout the year.